I am the Manager of the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH), a program of North Richmond Community Health, that works towards improving the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. With a background in youth work, sexual assault, and women’s health I joined the Victorian Department of Human Services in 1998. There, I began working in the family violence and homelessness areas, and later managed the Primary Health Programs team comprising women’s health, counselling in community health, family planning, language services and school nursing programs.
Equitable access to services has been a theme throughout my career and this interest continues through my work at CEH and its programs. Since being appointed Manager in February 2021, I have overseen a restructure of CEH and worked to refresh relationships with government and non-government agencies.
I am keen to join and actively support the Collaborative as I believe it will add significant weight to advocacy to government for additional resourcing for research and service delivery funds. It will also serve as the primary mechanism for articulation of CALD consumers view of existing pathways to care and options for system reform. It is an exciting opportunity for engaging with researchers, practitioners, consumers and agencies to collaborate and create a new and exciting vision for multicultural health service delivery in Australia.