The Knowledge Hub

Explore resources and information that is relevant to multicultural health and wellbeing and addressing health inequities. 


The Knowledge Hub is currently under development. Over time, it will be a searchable resource on multicultural health and wellbeing, including research papers, reports, publications and other relevant material.

Recent Articles

The Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative recognises the Australian Government’s initiatives in the 2024-25 Federal Budget aimed at enhancing healthcare services and ensuring

Are you passionate about healthcare for multicultural communities? We invite you to apply for membership of our new National Multicultural Consumer and

We need your insights to help us understand the needs of Australian Arabic-speaking people and their interest in participating in cancer clinical

We have appreciated the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) for its recent initiatives to improve our understanding of the health

Current inadequacies in relation to data on cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity impact research, as evidenced by frequent underrepresentation or exclusion (conscious

This article is a response to the White Paper from the General Practice Crisis Summit 2022 from a multicultural perspective. Download the

The Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative has recently submitted a response to the Consultation Papers of the Role and Functions of an Australian

Geopolitics have brought the Pacific to the forefront of Australia’s foreign policy debate. However, viewing the region solely through the lens of geopolitical competition is detrimental to Australia’s engagement with the Pacific and the mutual interests of both.

Facts about Australia

Facts about Australia Download

Creative Australia celebrates Australia’s strong, diverse and inclusive culture. It describes the essential role arts and culture play in the life of

The 2021 Census of Population and Housing has delivered a snapshot of the different generations that make up Australia. The latest data

The 2021 Census counted more than 5.5 million (5,552,973) couple families, of which 53 per cent have children living with them (53.0

The 2021 Census has revealed increasing diversity in the religions Australians identified, reflecting continuing changes in our social attitudes and belief systems.

The Census provides a snapshot of the cultures and languages that make up Australia by providing data on cultural diversity, country of birth, ancestry and languages used at home.

The results of the latest national Census today reveal we are a fast changing, growing and culturally diverse nation.

Foundation Document

Foundation Document The document provides information about what the Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative is and why it is required.  Download

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