Our Story

What is the Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative?​​

The Collaborative works at the national level to voice the broad health and wellbeing needs, including research, of Australia’s culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

The Collaborative represents the voices of a wide range of CALD health and well-being issues at the national level through a formal membership structure. This structure includes CALD consumers, health and wellbeing services, health and social care practitioners, researchers, and organisations and institutions primarily focused on health for CALD populations. The Collaborative also welcomes ‘mainstream’ services and organisations with a significant commitment to CALD health and wellbeing as members and enters into partnerships with relevant national organisations. The title ‘Collaborative’ signifies the manner in which members work together – in genuine collaboration on agreed priority areas, drawing on each other’s focus areas and expertise on specific issues.

The Collaborative acknowledges the important work of RHeaNA, FASSTT, SCoA, RCOA and the Migrant and Refugee Health Partnership and looks forward to supporting and promoting their activities.

Read our Foundation Document

For more information, read the Foundation Document and a one page overview on how the Collaborative works.

Our People

The Group has been formed to guide the initial establishment of the Collaborative. Members reflect the membership categories of the Collaborative: consumers; health and wellbeing services; practitioners; and researchers.

Over time an ongoing governance structure will be developed for endorsement by members.

Marina Chand
I am a co-founder of World Wellness Group, a multicultural primary health service in Brisbane with the mission to reduce multicultural health inequity. I have a background in health promotion and most of my career has focused on multicultural health. Tackling health inequity in the Australian health system is a big focus of my work and I am particularly interested in multicultural health data collection, research, culturally appropriate health models and multicultural health promotion. My expertise...
Bernice Murphy
I am the Manager of the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH), a program of North Richmond Community Health, that works towards improving the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. With a background in youth work, sexual assault, and women’s health I joined the Victorian Department of Human Services in 1998. There, I began working in the family violence and homelessness areas, and later managed the Primary Health Programs team comprising women’s health, counselling...
assoc prof stephen li
Associate Professor Stephen Li
I have dedicated 25 years to advance multicultural health such as being involved in the Management and Steering Committees of the NSW Government Multicultural Health Communication Services of NSW (advocating for cultural appropriate rather than linguistically correct translation of health information) I am on the Management Committee of the Australian Chinese Medical Association (ACMA), a trustee and past president of the ACMA Charitable Trust and CanRevive Charitable Foundation. I host a popular...
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Dr Chris Lemoh
I am an infectious diseases and general physician, currently Head of General Internal Medicine at Western Health.I have a strong interest in the impact of intersecting social inequities on health and wellbeing, particularly chronic illness, bloodborne viral infections and sexual and reproductive health. I joined the Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative as a way to push for a sustained and systematic commitment to address the complex problem of structural racism in the Australian health...
helen skouteris
Professor Helen Skouteris
I am the Monash Warwick Professor of Health and Social Care Improvement and Implementation Science, and Head of the Health and Social Care Unit, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. My work focuses on establishing long-term collaborative implementation science research and education/training programs in health and social care improvement. I have worked extensively across the health, community service, and educational sectors; in so doing, my aim is to bridge the gap...
Iren Hunyadi
I was born in Hungary and came to Australia as a refugee in 1957, after the Hungarian revolution in Hungary in 1956. As a registered nurse, I was primarily involved in aged care and I was Commonwealth Nursing Officer for the Department of Health and Ageing I’m a past President of the Ethnic Communities’ Council of WA. I’m the Chair and founder of the Hungarian Golden Village and Cultural Centre Inc, and  founder and was Chair of the Health Consumers Action Group WA Inc.
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Henry Ko
I am an Australian-born Chinese, my parents emigrated from Hong Kong, and I grew up in rural NSW where we were probably only one of a few migrant families in the town. My earliest “multicultural health advocacy” experience growing up was being called upon to be the (health) translator for my parents and grandparents, which is noted by academics in this 2016 The Conversation article at https://theconversation.com/migrant-children-are-often-their-parents-translators-and-it-can-lead-to-ill-health-55309...
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