I am an Australian-born Chinese, my parents emigrated from Hong Kong, and I grew up in rural NSW where we were probably only one of a few migrant families in the town. My earliest “multicultural health advocacy” experience growing up was being called upon to be the (health) translator for my parents and grandparents, which is noted by academics in this 2016 The Conversation article at https://theconversation.com/migrant-children-are-often-their-parents-translators-and-it-can-lead-to-ill-health-55309 as being a common and significant situation for many migrant families.
I’ve been a consumer advocate with the Consumers Health Forum of Australia since 2008, am a voting member of the Australian Consumers’ Association, and have had a broad health consumer advocacy journey. I’ve been a cancer consumer advocate with a few cancer consumer groups/charities, am an advocate for “invisible” disabilities and conditions (for genetic conditions such as thalassemia; and for allergies and anaphylaxis), as well as child health issues. I’ve worked on a number of Australian healthcare industry committees, Commonwealth Government committees (including health technology assessment committees), and with a number of healthcare professionals peak bodies. In the multicultural health space I was on the Northern Sydney Local Health District’s CALD CAG for a number of years.
I am very excited to contribute my diverse set of skills and experiences to this Collaborative and working with all stakeholders. I feel this Collaborative will be a game-changer for amplifying multicultural voices in Australia.